How Corona Virus CORONIL-KIT Made - Internet Guruji

How Corona Virus CORONIL-KIT Made


Welcome friend on Internet Guruji. We come with important information and understanding of the Corona Virus. As you know I am an IT Guy. So I will try to relate it with the Computer for understanding. Lets Start,

Friend as we all know, Its first epic center was Wuhan City, China. The corona virus is not dangerous. But the problem is that Virus Spreading very fast. It transmits very fast from one person to another. Currently, corona virus-Infected Confirmed cases are more than 80 Lakh. Because It’s transmitting very fast.

First We should Know a little more about corona virus. This Virus first found in China. WHO (World Health Organization) Named as SARS-CoV-2 means Severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus 2. WHO named the disease as COVID-19 means




19‘ 2019.

Some News Sites said it will be ‘Chinese-Originated Viral Infectious Disease’.😂😂😂

How Corona Virus Infect us?

Friend, Person can only be infected via his Nose or Mouth. What happens if Corona virus stuck on our Hands, Clothes, and Hairs. Is it possible that we may have COVID-19 disease? No, it’s not possible because for infection virus needs to enter the body. The corona virus can only enter via Nose and Mouth. But if viruses stuck on our Hands, Clothes, and Hairs and if we do not disinfect our Hands, Clothes, and Hairs and we are moving in the whole country it means we are infecting all places. So Disinfect yourself via sensitize your Hands, Clothes, and Hair. before doing any work you need to sanitize your self.

What should we do If come in contact of Covid Infected Person?

The most important thing if you come in contact with any person, or Public Place Don’t touch your Mouth and Nose. Try to Avoid touch your Nose or Mouth and wear a Mask which has 125 nm whole if you don’t have that kind of cloth Mask double triple the layer of cloth and make the mask. If you don’t know how to make Mask so you can Purchase it from Market. use sanitizers or Soap to sanitize your hands.

What can be the remedy for COVID-19.

Here is still no solution for This Corona Virus COVID-19. So there are many Medicine Come For COVID-19. But in the world, One medicine made by Acharya Shri Balkrishna Ji AND BABA RAMDEV invent CORONIL-kit evidence-based.

What will CORONIL-kit do?

Actually, CORONIL-kit is not a permanent Medicine for COVID-19. It is an immunity booster that means it boosts ur body’s power to fight with viruses and another disease. Its Main ingredients are Ashwagandha, Giloy, Tulsi.

What is the price of CORONIL-kit and what this kit consist of?

The full Coronil Kit is priced at ₹545. It consists of three medicines — Coronil, Shwasari, and Anu oil. Patanjali prescribes: “2-2 tablets should be consumed with hot water half an hour after meals.

Who can Intake the CORONIL-kit?

The medicine intake and quantity is suitable for people between 15 to 80 years of age. Half the amount of medicines can be used for children between the age of 6 to 14 years.”

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